Your Questions Answered on Our Comprehensive Treatment Program and NAD Therapy.

What is NAD+?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme found in all living cells, playing a crucial role in cellular energy production, DNA repair, and overall cellular function. It is vital for over 100 metabolic processes​ (Colorado Recovery Infusion Center)​​ (RELEVARE)​.

How are NAD+ infusions different from NAD+ supplements?

NAD+ infusions bypass the digestive system, allowing for 100% bioavailability directly into the bloodstream. This makes them significantly more effective than oral supplements, which are less efficiently absorbed​ (Dearing Clinic 2023)​​ (Rocky Mountain IV)​.

What are the benefits of NAD+ IV therapy?

NAD+ IV therapy offers numerous benefits, including:

How does NAD+ help with aging?

NAD+ supports cellular health, which can slow down the aging process. It helps maintain DNA repair mechanisms, supports neuronal health, and boosts cellular energy production, which are all crucial in preventing age-related decline​ (Colorado Recovery Infusion Center)​​ (RELEVARE)​.

How does NAD+ help with mental health and addiction?

NAD+ therapy can improve cognitive function, reduce stress and fatigue, and support healthy neurotransmitter levels. It is particularly beneficial in addiction recovery, helping to repair neuronal damage caused by substance abuse and easing the detox process​ (Colorado Recovery Infusion Center)​​ (Dearing Clinic 2023)​​ (Rocky Mountain IV)​.

Is NAD+ infusion therapy safe?

Yes, NAD+ infusion therapy is generally considered safe. It involves a natural substance already present in the body. Common side effects are mild and include nausea, headaches, and fatigue, which can often be managed by adjusting the infusion rate​ (Colorado Recovery Infusion Center)​​ (Rocky Mountain IV)​​ (Ketamine and IV Therapy Clinic of NWA)​.

What can NAD+ infusion therapy help treat?

NAD+ infusion therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • Aging and age-related diseases
  • Substance abuse and addiction recovery
  • Mood disorders such as anxiety and depression
  • Chronic fatigue and stress
  • Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s​ (Dearing Clinic 2023)​​ (RELEVARE)​.

How do I prepare for a NAD+ infusion?

No special preparation is needed for NAD+ infusions. You can eat and drink normally before the treatment, and you can drive yourself home afterward as NAD+ is not psychoactive​ (RELEVARE)​​ (Ketamine and IV Therapy Clinic of NWA)​.

Are there any possible side effects?

Possible side effects of NAD+ infusions include nausea, headaches, fatigue, and muscle cramps. These can usually be alleviated by adjusting the infusion rate​ (Colorado Recovery Infusion Center)​​ (Rocky Mountain IV)​.

Is NAD+ IV therapy covered by insurance?

As of now, NAD+ therapy is not FDA-approved and is generally not covered by insurance. However, some clinics may provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance for potential reimbursement​ (RELEVARE)​.

Who should consider NAD+ therapy?

Anyone looking to improve their energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being can consider NAD+ therapy. It is especially beneficial for athletes, individuals recovering from addiction, and those seeking anti-aging treatments​ (RELEVARE)​​ (Ketamine and IV Therapy Clinic of NWA)​.

What is the cost of the 10 treatment?

The treatment cost is $15,000.

What are your payment methods?

All treatments are cash based. We accept cash, certified check, money orders and
major credit cards.

Do you ACCEPT insurance?

We do not at this time, the program is cash based.

How do I get started to enter into this program?

Entry starts with an assessment of you and your needs. Upon agreement that you qualify for treatment, a $5,000 deposit is required to hold your placement in the program. You will then receive meds to start 5-day pre-program, then the day of entry into the program the balance of the remaining $10,000.00 will be paid in full.

What is the cost of assessments or reassessments of this program?

None. The initial assessment as well as the return assessments 30/60/90 days after
treatment are no charge they are included in the total cost of the treatment.

What is the cost if I qualify for bed and breakfast for length of treatment?

None. If you qualify for bed and breakfast it will be included in the total cost of the

What is the difference in your program in comparison to other programs?

BRW’s treatment program is an all-natural treatment.  There are no drugs or mind altering substances administered while being treated or after program is completed.

How is NAD administered during the treatment?

The NAD treatment is given through an IV infusion.

Does NAD work on all drugs?

NAD has been found to be effective on all drugs as well as combinations of drugs. Will NAD help with my depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue or PTSD symptoms? Yes. NAD helps improve all of these conditions.

Does NAD help as a anti-aging supplement?

There is extensive evidence that restoring NAD levels has anti-aging effects. It also plays a key role in metabolism and energy production that can enhance mood, diminish anxiety, and restore a positive emotional sense of being. This can bring forth a new person mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. A new and younger you.

What should I bring?

We recommend you bring comfortable clothing, general hygiene items, and portable electronic devices such as a phone, tablet or laptop.

Can I have visitors?

No. Visitors are not allowed 10-day program. You would be dropped off day 1 and picked up on day 10.

What about after care?

For after care we recommend:

  • Take NAD twice daily for at least the next 90 days during the 30/60/90 day reassessment process.
  • Seek counseling once a week.
  • Join a support group.

Those who complete these 3 recommendations FOLLOWING THE 10 DAY TREATMENT PROGRAM are usually successful in overcoming their addiction problem.

Can I bring my vehicle?

We prefer that you do not bring your vehicle. We prefer you are dropped off at beginning of program and picked up on day 10.

Can I speak to someone else that has completed you program?

Of course. We can have someone call you that has come through our program and completed it successfully in the past.

Can I smoke during the treatment?

No. The facility is a nonsmoking facility (no cigarettes, cigars or vape guns). We do allow patches as well as Nicorette gums or lozenges that would be supplied by you, but administered by staff. The NAD is also very helpful in eliminating cigarette cravings.

How long are the treatments daily?

Days 1 through 4 average between 6 to 10 hours. Days 5 through 10 average between 3 to 5 hours.

Do I wind up on Methadone or Suboxone when I leave your program?

No. You will not leave our program on Methadone or Suboxone.

What is a booster?

A booster is a 1 day IV infusion of NAD. A booster is used to boost you to the next level of your recovery by elevating your body’s NAD levels.

What is the cost of a booster?

A booster cost is $1,500 per day.

What is your success rate?

We uphold a 70-80% success rate.

What is the 10 or 20 day “after care” program that you offer?

The 10 to 20 day after care program is a bed and breakfast program that helps you to reenter into the environment with a stronger mind set by allowing the body and mind to rest a bit after the 10 day treatment. It is meant to put your life back together in a healthier manner and help you achieve your goals.

Can we work around my work schedule?

We can accommodate most work schedules. We highly recommend the treatment be done 10 days in a row (back to back). This may require some night treatments as well as early morning to accommodate your needs.

What additional recommendations help insure a successful treatment?

We have found that those that have followed these 3 simple steps have been successful:

  • Continue to take NAD in oral form at least 90 days after treatment (lifelong is better).
  • Receive counseling at least once a week after completing treatment
  • Finding a support group that will uphold you in your process of rebuilding your life. Participating in the aftercare program is also highly beneficial.

What would cause me to fail after leaving your program?

There are many things that could lead to failure:

  • Returning to old ways or old habits
  • Not changing people, places and things that are known to trigger you
  • Using any type of mind-altering substances that would remove the clarity of mind, focus or concentration that you now have after treatment
  • Not seeking counseling
  • Not having support in a time of need
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